How to Lower Your Blood Sugar Level Naturally with stevia sweetener ?


Natural sugar substitute 

Diabetes patients will relate to this-your blood sugar spikes and fall during the day and night. In the morning when you wake up and after you eat and when you go for a high-intensity workout. If you have diabetes but you are healthy, your body will easily handle the glucose spikes.

We have listed down ways how to decrease blood sugar levels naturally

Try Intermittent Fasting

This is one of the best ways to boost insulin sensitivity and decrease your blood sugar level. It is not always about what you eat but also how you eat and when you eat. Intermittent fasting is a simple strategy. Eat for 12 hours and fast for 12 hours. This means you can eat between 8 am to 8 pm.

You will be surprised to know that this gives your digestive system the much-needed rest for 12 hours.

Rely on Natural Sweetener

Stevia Powder is the best sugar alternative that suppresses the plasma glucose level and raises glucose tolerance. Being a zero-calorie sweetener it also has a 0 glycemic index.

For the ones suffering from type 2 diabetes, stevia triggers a glucagon response that decreases blood glucose. We hope you know what glucagon is. Glucagon is a hormone regulating blood sugar levels in our blood.

Portion Size Matters

When you have a large meal, it puts a sugar load on your body. Overeating further causes a lot of damage. The best way to decrease blood sugar levels is to eat smaller portions. This doesn’t mean you have to starve but you have to control your portions.

The key is to eat healthily and in moderation. Eat slowly and chew your food.

Exercise Daily

Exercising is not just the best way to lose weight but also to improve insulin sensitivity. Resistance training and aerobics boost glucose disposal in type 2 diabetes. When insulin sensitivity is improved, you get a fit tummy, and this further increases muscle density.

A Sound Night Sleep

When a diabetic patient has inadequate sleep, your body reacts in a manner similar to insulin resistance. This may further lead to raised blood sugar levels. You should have a minimum of 8 hours of sleep as this can improve glucose metabolism. It also keeps you motivated to follow your diet and exercise routine.

Stress Buster

Stress whether it is mental or physical contributes to changes in blood sugar levels. Never carry your work stress home. Nor should a stressful relationship affect your life. If you want to manage stress, the best remedy is to practice meditation.

Quit Alcohol & Smoking

We may be having an alcohol limit, but it is always better to quit it. Alcohol has added sugar and it also dehydrates the body which harms a diabetic patient a lot. Quitting may take time but nothing is impossible.

Also, it is important to quit smoking. Nicotine is present in cigarettes and it encourages insulin resistance. This makes it difficult to control sugar and also increases the risk of heart disease, kidney issues, etc.

The Bottom Line

A natural sugar substitute (stevia), sound sleep, intermittent fasting, regular exercise, less stress, and quitting alcohol & smoking are a few of the natural ways to lower your blood sugar. Besides the aforementioned, you should cut back on carbs, get enough vitamins, add probiotics to your diet, and eat a nutritious balanced diet to live a healthy life.


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